Is Your E-Commerce Site Ready to Say Goodbye to Magento 1 and Hello to Magento 2?


Magento 1 is considered one of the most popular open-source e-commerce platforms ever created, and its more than 2.5 million downloads give validity to that claim. With more than 250,000 online stores still running on the platform today, Magento 1 can take credit for over $155 billion in product sales. But all good things must eventually come to an end, and no less is true for Magento 1. For those still using the platform to run their online businesses, the clock is ticking on how much time is left to make a move to a new e-commerce platform. 

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Magento 1’s big goodbye. We will try to answer some burning questions that still linger about how your e-commerce business will be affected. And, we will even offer some advice for those that will be taking the leap to Magento 2. 

Support for Magento 1? 

When Magento 2 came onto the scene in 2015, there was little hope that Magento 1 would receive further support. We were all in for a big surprise, though. It wasn’t until 2018 that Magento announced that it would no longer provide service to Magento 1. We now know the end date for support, and it’s quickly approaching - June 2020. 

So, let’s break this down and see what it means for e-commerce sites that are still running on Magento 1. 

The Big Question: Will Magento 1 still be supported after June 2020? 

The Answer: Yes and No. What support you’ll get depends on what version of Magento you are running. 

Magento 1 - Community Edition. If you are running the community edition of Magento 1, you will only receive security updates. If you are running Magento 1.5 to 1.9, the company will provide security updates for those versions. However, if you have an issue to fix and you reach out to support, don’t expect them to jump on the problem. They are likely to offer some support still, but it will not be a priority to them and may take them a while to resolve the matter. 

Magento 1 - Enterprise Edition. Magento is providing more support for its paid edition. If you are running Magento 1.9 to 1.14, you will receive security patches. If you are running Magento 1.13 to 1.14, you will receive security patches AND quality fixes. As such, your online store will likely be safe running 1.13 to 1.14. Safe, for a while longer, that is. 

Considerations for Upgrading to Magento 2 

Now that you know what you’ll be facing in June 2020, you might be asking yourself if you should move your e-commerce site to Magento 2. Here are a few points to consider as you make that decision. 

#1. Security. Since support to most versions of Magento 1 will be lacking, your e-commerce site will become a prime target for hackers. Security is a huge consideration. To ensure that you are protected continuously, you’re going to need to pay for frequent and costly security checks. If you find a problem, you are going to have to make the patches yourself or pay an outside provider to do it for you. The cost of this constant security oversite on your end will actually be more expensive than upgrading to Magento 2. With the upgrade, you will also have the peace of mind in knowing that you are protected, and security threats will no longer be a constant worry. 

#2. Payment Process. If you can’t process payments, how will your e-commerce site stay up and running? As you are likely aware, the payment gateways that you use on your website regularly conduct security reviews themselves. If you are relying on a version of Magento 1 and are unable to perform necessary security updates and patches, your store will likely fail the payment gateways security review and will stop allowing you to accept payment. Payment gateway closure has the potential to be disastrous for your business. 

#3. Loss of Themes and Extensions. One of the most popular elements of Magento 1 was its customizability. As such, almost everyone running a version of Magento 1, is using a theme and extensions. As Magento 1 becomes more and more a platform of the past, these themes and extensions will become obsolete, and there will be no new options made available. Companies that create these add-ons will be looking to the future and designing for Magento 2. Eventually, as the world moves forward with Magento 2, your e-commerce business will be antiquated and dated in appearance and structure. 

Still on the fence about upgrading to Magento 2? 

Here are some additional considerations and highlights of what you’ll be getting with a move to Magento 2. 

✓ Updated features that will grow as your shop grows 

✓ Improved controls and administrative features 

✓ Mobile shopping ready 

✓ Superior software builds 

✓ Enhanced customer experience 

✓ Much more 

Moving to Magento 2 

If you’ve decided to upgrade to Magento 2, you’ll want to begin preparations for the move soon. June 2020 may seem far away, but it’s best to be up and running on Magento 2 long before that time. 

Here are some helpful steps to get your through the process. 

➢ Find out what version of Magento your e-commerce site is currently running. To do this, simply log into your Magento Admin account and scroll to the bottom of the page in the Admin Footer. The version number is near the center of the footer. 

➢ Contact a competent, customer-friendly Magento developer. 

➢ If you can do it yourself, update all your extensions. If not, hire an expert to do the work for you. 

➢ Upgrade and get your e-commerce site headed into the feature. 

If you need help… 

Upgrading to a new e-commerce platform is not an easy task for everyone. If you feel worried or unsure, let us help you through the process. We have years of experience providing support and assistance to e-commerce sites likes yours. We will answer your questions and provide quick, quality work to make sure that you are protected and ready for business!  


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